This Aquatec permeate pump, model # ERP-1000 is used to create back pressure on the RO membrane and increase the efficiency and rate of product water production.

We recommend you purchase a few feet of additional tubing (in Add Ons section below) to connect the pump into the system.
The Permeate Pump operates as a non-electrical energy recovery device which dramatically improves the efficiency of RO systems. Using only the available energy from the brine water (otherwise lost to the drain), the pump forces product water into the storage tank. This process effectively reduces membrane back pressure to less than 5 psi and allows the membrane to maximize its use of the available feed pressure.
The Permeate Pump can also bring the storage tank up to line pressure and shut the system down when the tank reaches full capacity. This provides higher delivery pressure, more available water, superior water quality, and extended filter/membrane life.
The Permeate Pump can be easily retrofitted to upgrade virtually any existing RO system. The pump eliminates the need for hydraulic shutoff valves and can be used to replace booster pumps in well water applications.
Features & Benefits:
- Requires no electricity, powered by energy from brine water
- Improves recovery rates by as much as 400%
- Reduces waste water by as much as 80%
- Ideal for membranes rated from 10-100 GPD
- Effective for inlet water pressure as low as 30 psi
- Increases membrane life, lowers “TDS creep”
- Fills product tank up to 4 times more rapidly
- Includes Mounting Clips
- NSF approved (Standard 58)
- Two year manufacturer’s warranty

View our new Reverse Osmosis Exploded Diagram with Permeate Pump.